A Whimsical Whirlwind through Victorian London’s Mystical Manifestations: A Scandalously Spirited Romp!

Waiiiittt WHAT… The Victorians believed in Manifestation?

We would be nothing if we didn’t write this blog in FULL Bridgerton style and attire. YOU DON’T KNOW that i’m not in a corset and gown or top hat and my finest trousers ever! Let’s face it, I’m missing the show and I needed to write something inspiring after watching 2 Jane Austen inspired movies based on their original novels.


Dearest reader,

Secure your corsets and don your most dashing top hats, for today we shall embark on a most scandalous journey through the cobblestone streets of Victorian London! While the ton is busy with balls and betrothals, we shall uncover a mystery even more intriguing—the curious world of Victorian manifestations! 🎩✨

side note: If you’ve watched EMMA, did you notice her Topaz necklace? That’s the same one Jane Austen wore!


The Seance Soiree: When Spirits (Perhaps) Graced the Social Scene

Picture, if you will, a dimly lit drawing-room filled with the scent of lavender and just a hint of skepticism. In the center, a medium—looking as solemn as a cat with a secret—is leading a seance. The guests, a delightful assortment of curious Victorians, are gathered around a wooden table, hands clasped, eyes as wide as saucers—or perhaps that’s simply the effect of their exceedingly tight corsets.

“Is there a spirit among us?” asks the medium, her voice trembling like a leaf in a storm.

Suddenly, a knock resounds through the room! Was it a ghostly visitor or just Uncle Albert, that perpetual party crasher? Oh, the scandal!

fun fact: Bridgerton season 2 is packed with Easter eggs that nod to Jane Austen and Pride & Prejudice.


The OG Law of Attraction: Victorian Style

While the Victorians may not have uttered the term "manifestation" in polite society, they were well-versed in the power of positive thinking—or at least, the power of believing they could have a tête-à-tête with Aunt Agatha from the great beyond. Spiritualism was the talk of the town, spreading faster than the latest scandalous rumor!

Sherlock’s Manifestation Musings

Let us now meander down Baker Street, where Sherlock Holmes, not content with merely solving crimes, fancied himself a manifestation maestro. Picture Sherlock, with his razor-sharp wit and even sharper cheekbones, declaring, “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the tea you’ve been manifesting.” Or something of that ilk. 🕵️‍♂️🍵

Secret Society of Victorian Dreamers

But hold onto your bonnets, dear readers! The Victorians took manifestation to new heights with secret societies that were a blend of self-help group, mystical cabal, and probably a fan club for Queen Victoria’s impeccable fashion sense. Imagine a clandestine gathering in a dimly lit room, where members shared their dreams, desires, and quite possibly the secret to the perfect Yorkshire pudding recipe. These Victorians were the original influencers, mixing the power of positive thinking with a dash of mystery and a sprinkle of Victorian flair. Scandalous! 🌟

The Legacy Lives On: A Toast to Victorian Vibes!

So, while the Victorians may not have coined the term "manifestation," they were the original influencers, paving the way for today’s dreamers, thinkers, and tea enthusiasts. The next time you find yourself lighting a scented candle, closing your eyes, and wishing for a world where corsets are optional and seances are the new brunch, remember the curious, mystical manifestations of Victorian London. Who knows, with a little positive thinking and a touch of Victorian flair, your wishes might just come true!

And there you have it, dear readers! A whimsical whirlwind tour through the mystical manifestations of Victorian London, fit for the scandal sheets and drawing-room whispers alike. Until our next scandalous revelation, keep dreaming, keep believing, and always keep an ear to the ground for messages from the spirit realm—or at the very least, in your tea leaves! 🍵👻

Yours Truly, Lady Whistledown 🎉🎩
(she may not use emojis, but I sure do!)


Feeling inspired by the mystical Victorians? Ready to unlock your own manifestation potential and create your dream reality? Look no further! Our Manifestation Coaching program is tailored to help you harness the power of positive thinking, set clear intentions, and manifest your deepest desires—no corset required! Join us and step into your own magical journey of self-discovery and transformation. Don't just dream it, manifest it! 🌟


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