Intuitive Readings & Guidance

The King of Cups represents the pinnacle of emotional well-being. Your cup is full, you’re happy, feeling fulfilled, full of joy, abundance and most importantly - balance.

The King of Cups represents the pinnacle of emotional well-being. Your cup is full, you’re happy, feeling fulfilled, full of joy, abundance and most importantly - balance.


When we need a little direction in life

Readings are here to help guide you on your journey. Whether it’s a question about love, your purpose in life, a business you’re looking at growing, a brilliant idea or something entirely different - your guides and spirit team are here to help you!

I communicate with your highest self

in order to bring you the information that you need at this time. Some clarity in your journey, reassurance knowing you’re going in the right direction or even a little boost of “hey, here’s some confirmation from your guides” can really help get things moving.